
As a UX Designer, I hold a degree in Graphic/Web Development and Art History and have experience in social media. As part of the many cultural exchange programs I participated in during my university education, I had the opportunity to interact with and understand people from various cultures. All of these experiences have inspired me to call myself a knowledgeable and compassionate UX Designer. Everyone has a unique perspective and set of goals. ​Despite our differences, I am delighted to discover methods to make everyone's experience joyful.

When I'm not designing, you may find me deep in conversations with friends, taking long walks with my dogs, or practicing yoga. In addition, my greatest passion in life is art, especially theatre.

get in touch

These three phases are my thought process 

Define the project
Understanding and internalizing another person's views, situation, or motivation in their behavior is fundamental for me!

Design the solution
I meet challenges with empathy and curiosity. The key to the design process is to interact with the users and test the design!

The delivery process includes the learning phase, which continues indefinitely. In the constantly evolving technological environment, user needs and expectations change on a regular basis, and I continue to stay up with and grow this development.


Familiar Tools
Figma, Asana, Maze, Optimal Workshop, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Illustrator, Canva, WordPress, Slack, Zoom

Soft Skills
Communication, Adaptability, Time management, Problem solving

As a UX Designer

Hou​rs of Instruction

Group Projects

Solo Projects